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Engage your members at every stage
- Career software for high-school leavers, mid-life career changers and retirees looking to learn a new skill.
- Quick, accessible, interactive software that can be revisited at any time.
- Create an ongoing profile through every stage of life, all in one centralised system.

Comprehensive career exploration
- Develop a deeper understanding of unique interests, personality traits and skills, and how these transfer to careers
- Navigate and explore careers, subject selection and study pathways.
- Comprehensive interests, personality, skills, subjects, careers and further education exploration.

Link member findings with your library collection
- Co-development opportunities to link outcomes with your library collection.
- Utilise data to inform decisions and increase member engagement with internal resources.
- Create personalised library experiences for your members.
Collection of digital and print resources for your library, click the link below to view all available resources.